Playing is fun, but requires you to be cautious about the way you see and play. The online gambling should be seen as a fun and never as an obsession and / or as a way to try to recover the impossible. The responsible gaming is key to your psychological and mental health, as it can become a serious problem and pathological with extremely adverse contours at various levels. Many players who lose control of reality, end up spending money you actually have, incurring obligations and sometimes irreversible problems in their lives.

The game itself is addictive, so it is necessary to be responsible when playing. Contrary to what may seem, the game can become an addiction such as alcohol or drugs, it is necessary that you have control in their attitudes and foremost seek help as soon as possible when you feel you are overcome common sense barrier, damaging his life and probably the closest to it. To help you set goals and guidance in terms of sports betting and following the principles of responsible gaming, we suggest some strategies that when put into practice, avoid problems of addiction and promote the fun of the game.

– Make a good management of the bank with defined monthly fixed values
– Never go into default with its obligations because the game
– Specifically set the values to play and also the maximum ceilings gains and losses
– Never take game party in incosciência states, alcoholism or drugs
– Play in moderation and ponders
– Never try to double your bet to try to recover what we have lost

Help for compulsive gamblers

There are several institutions working in the area of Responsible Gaming and to give advice and support to compulsive gamblers or problem gamblers in sports betting. If this is the case, consider seeking support.